Recipe: Quick Cassata-style ice cream

Cassata ice cream

Aqra bil-Malti: Riċetta: Ġelat stil Cassata ta' malajr 

A quick recipe and you can add what you like, meaning you can use another type of nuts instead of pistachio nuts. If you love white chocolate and not dark, replace it. The ingredients that I have chosen give a good taste and are very colourful. 


  • A cup of coloured cherry, cut finely
  • 6 tablespoons of rosewater
  • 1 kilo of vanilla ice cream
  • 1 cup of dark chocolate,cut finely
  • Orange peel, grated
  • 1 cup pistachios, cut finely
  • 1 cup candied peel, cut finely


Mix the cherries, rosewater, chocolate, the orange peel, pistachios and candied peel together.
Place the ice cream in a large bowl and leave out for 10 minutes to soften enough for the ingredients to be mixed in, using a large spoon.
Add in all the other ingredients and mix them in quickly until the mixture becomes consistent. Put the mixture back into freezer container and freeze overnight.

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