Dawn il-pastini tal-lewż ċkejknin huma eċċellenti biex iservihom flimkien ma’ kikkra kafè jew te, jew biex jakkumpanjaw deżerti ...
Aqra bil-Malti: Recipe: Grouper (Ċerna) in a tomato and basil sauce
Summer is here again and in this period we ...
Aqra bil-Malti: Riċetta: Blalen tal-ġewż
These walnut balls are so delicious that it is most likely you will be unable to ...
500 ml ħalib tal-coconut
60 g zokkor
5 bajdiet
Ftit qtar vanilja
50 g coconut (dessicated coconut)
Saħħan il-forn 180°C
Uża skutella kbira li ...
This is a non-traditional way of preparing butternut squash or pumpkin which is readily found in Malta. The ...
Recipe by Maria Avon
For the gnocchi:
700 g potatoes, roughly cut to pieces all the same size and unpeeled
salt ...
Delight your guests with these mini pumpkin cheesecake singlets; apart from offering the personal touch, you will also be ...
This is a simple sponge with a small quantity of butter added the genoise way. It has a ...
Tajbin wisq. Riċetta oħra sempliċi b’ingredjienti rħas u ta’ kuljum.
4 kikkri patata maxx
ponn kbir nagħniegħ (mint) frisk imqatta’ ...
It is as delicious as it looks! The Linzer Torte (or Linzertorte) is named after the Austrian city ...
Meta l-qaqoċċ ikun abbundanti jorħos fil-prezz, għalhekk tajjeb li naħtfu l-okkażjoni biex nixtruh u nużawh kemm nistgħu f’riċetti ...
Għal ikla ħafifa li tista’ tipprepara fi ftit minuti dan ir-risotto huwa ideali. B’ingredjenti li jkollok fil-kċina jew ...