Pancakes (for 8 to 10 people)
- 250g flour
- 4 eggs
- ½ liter of milk or 250ml milk + 250ml liquid fresh cream
- Pinch of salt
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 50 grams of butter
- Fresh spinach
- 3 tubs of Jocca Cottage Cheese
- Fresh tomatoes
- sugar
- Onions
- Grated cheese (emmenthal or cheddar)
- Salt & pepper
- Garlic seasoning & herbs
In a bowl, pour the flour and the eggs. Add the milk little by little whilst whisking the mixture. Add the salt. The dough must not have any lump. You may add a tablespoon of olive oil to make sure the pancakes will not stick to the pan when cooking them.
Let the dough settle at least an hour at room temperature.
Use a non-adhesive large pan, ideally flat and with flat rims. Heat it up, and once warm melt in a little bit of butter or olive oil. Cook it 1 to 2 minute per side, making sure that they are not too thin for this recipe.
Cook the finely chopped onions and tomato cubes together until you obtain a tomato sauce. Add a pinch of sugar, salt, pepper and fresh basil and let it simmer for another 15 min. Once ready, spread a layer of the tomato mix at the bottom of the dish.
Cook the fresh spinach leaves in a pan with a dash of olive oil. In a separate dish, mix the spinach with Jocca Cottage Cheese and season to taste. Save a small amount of cottage cheese in a separate dish.
Divide the mixture between 10 pancakes or so and roll them up before placing them in the dish. Wisk the remaining Cottage Cheese and add to it the shredded emmenthal or cheddar. Use this mixture to cover the pancakes, before topping it with another thin layer of grated cheese.
Bake in a moderate oven (180C) for about 30-40 minutes.
Bon appetite!