Ħawn Malta għandna x-xorti tajba li nsibu diversi tipi ta’ qargħa matul is-sena kollha, mhux biss f’ċertu staġuni. Għalkemm ...
If you ‘d like to try a different twist on the tried and tested Caesar salad, why not try ...
Here’s an unusual treat; try Ambassador Abercrombie Winstanley’s recipe for chocolate beetroot cake! Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley is the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Malta ...
Din l-insalata għandha taħlita t’ingredjenti mhux tas-soltu, bħal-larinġ, il-pitravi, il-kemmun (cumin)u l-bużbież (sweet fennel), li jfakkru fl-ikel Marokkin u ...
Read this in English: Recipe: Pear and cinnamon muffins
Għall-iskola lit-tfal tista’ tippreparalhom dawn il-muffins li żgur huma aktar ...
Next time you feel like a home made burger, try these Maltese sausage burgers – they are quick ...
Hummus is an easy-to-make dip made from chickpeas that is reminiscent of the Middle East, its nutty flavour ...
Recipe by Alexia Curmi
For the ribs:
1/2 a cup Cadbury cocoa
1/2 cup brown sugar
5 tbsp Remia Gold margarine
2 ...
Il-Maltin jaħtfu kull okkażjoni biex jiċċelebraw. Tant hu hekk li għal dawn l-aħħar snin qed niċċelebraw ukoll Jum ...
Dan il-kejk naqqastlu l-ammont ta’ żejt u minflok għandu ż-żejt taż-żebbuġa. Huwa wkoll bla glutina.
Għandek bżonn:
75 g dqiq ...
Aqra bil-Malti: Riċetta: Ross bil-lumi u l-ful
Another plate which is ideal for vegetarians too, with the delicious and fresh ...
This dish is called ‘Schnitzel’ in Germany and ‘Escalope’ in France; in Malta we normally call it ‘vitella ...