Recipe: Sugar free fruit compote

Plum and pear fruit compote

I love the combination of plums and pears and this fruit compote is sugar free and keeps in the fridge for two weeks. You can use it to top ice creams, yoghurts, porridge or simply use a hand blender to break down and make a good sugar free jam replacement. I also like it blended and mixed with a quarter teaspoon of chilli flakes per 100 g and used as a fruit chutney with a cheese plate. Remember though that the absence of sugar means it will not have a long shelf life and it must be stored in the fridge. If it is not sweet enough for you, try using stevia to sweeten it as it is totally natural and 300 times sweeter than sugar.

Serves:  500 g


  • 500 g plums, stone removed, chopped into quarters
  • 4 pears, peeled and chopped into large pieces
  • Vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped (optional)
  • ¼ cup of water


  1. Place all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until mixture bubbles and fruit becomes syrupy (about 10-15 minutes).
  2. If you prefer a jam consistency, use a hand-held blender to turn the fruit into a smooth mixture.
  3. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two weeks, or in the freezer until required.

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