Recipe: Easter Simnel cake

Simnel Cake with ginger: Kejk simnel bil-ġinġer

Although not as well-known on the island, this delicious rich fruit cake is a traditional Easter cake in the UK and it is worth trying out!


  • 500 g ready made almond paste (***marzipan)
  • 450 g mixed fruits of your choice
  • 80 g candied peel
  • 225 g flour
  • 1 tsp mixed spice
  • 150 g butter
  • 175 g sugar
  • 4 large eggs, beaten
  • Juice of one orange
  • Grated rind of one lemon
  • Grated rind of one orange
  • A few drops vanilla
  • 2 tbsp apricot jam


  1. Line a 20 cm cake tin with baking paper.
  2. Divide the almond paste into 3. Take one portion and roll it to a round the size of the cake tin.
  3. Mix the dried fruits and candied peel with the flour, salt and spices in a bowl.
  4. In another large bowl, cream the butter with the sugar until light and fluffy. Add the beaten egg to the butter mixture and mix in.
  5. Fold in the flour, fruit and rest of the ingredients into the egg mixture.
  6. Put half of the cake mixture into the tin, smooth and cover with the round of almond paste. Put the remaining cake mixture into the tin and smooth the surface.
  7. Bake at 150°C for an hour.
  8. Roll another third of almond paste, again to the size of the tin. Make the remaining almond paste equally into 11 tiny balls.
  9. Once the cake is completely cool, remove from the tin and brush the top of the cake with apricot jam and cover with the disc of almond paste.
  10. Place the 11 tiny balls of paste evenly around the edge. Brush the paste all over with a little apricot jam and place under a hot grill until lightly browned.
  11. Decorate with a ribbon around the cake.

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