Food / Recipes Recipe: Sugar free hot cross buns with stevia and no butter By: Louanne Fogg It’s that time of year when hot cross buns are particularly relished. Here is one recipe that allows ...
Food / Other Kif tnaddaf il-kurrat By: Fatima Eltham Il-kurrat ġej mill-familja tal-basal, għalkemm it-togħma tiegħu hija ifjen. Ħafna drabi tista’ tuża l-kurrat minflok il-basal, speċjalment fi ...
Food / Recipes Riċetta: Bziezen bil-ġewż Għalkemm ħobż ta’ kull kwalità nsibu nixtruh minn kullimkien, li tagħmel ħobż differenti int id-dar huwa ta’ sodisfazzjon ...
Food / Recipes Recipe: Yeastless potato and rosemary foccacia By: Louanne Fogg Many are those today who need to avoid yeast products and here is a great recipe for foccacia, ...
Food / Recipes Riċetta: Polenta bil-larinġ Il-larinġ mhux tajjeb biss biex tqaxxru u tieklu, imma huwa ingredjent tajjeb u versatili ma’ ħafna riċetti differenti; nużaw kemm ...
Uncategorized Is there gold in your poo? Has it ever crossed your mind to analyse your poo to look for gold? No? Well maybe you ...
Food / Recipes Recipe: One bowl banana chocolate chip cake Ingredients: 1 and a half cups self raising flour, sifted pinch of salt 1 tsp baking powder 1 cup white sugar 1/3 of a ...
Food / Recipes Riċetta: Ġwienaħ tat-tiġieġ bil-patata u coleslaw By: Fatima Eltham Fl-istess ħin fil-forn tista’ tipprepara dawn il-ġwienaħ tat-tiġieġ flimkien mal-flieli tal-patata, u waqt li jkunu fil-forn tlesti wkoll ...
Food / Recipes Recipe: Quick pork burgers By: Louanne Fogg Why always beef burgers? The white meat of pork can make great burgers and the meat tends to be leaner. ...
Food / Recipes Riċetta: Soppa tal-bżar aħmar (capsicum) bil-ħobż tal-polenta By: Fatima Eltham Din is-soppa tal-bżar aħmar (capiscum) tagħmel ikla sħiħa meta servuta mal-ħobż magħmul mill-polenta u ż-żebbuġ li jikkumplimentaw lil ...