Recipe by Tanja Cilia.
Serves: 4
12 slices beef
For the stuffing:
2 Bordon corned beef tins(200g each)
3 cloves garlic
1 egg, boiled and ...
Recipe by Dorothy Cutajar
Serves: 2 for main course
1 onion, peeled and chopped
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
1 big marrow, ...
Il-koxox huma waħda mill-aktar partijiet tat-tiġieġa irħas li tista’ tixtri, imma huma wkoll l-aktar parti tarja, għalhekk huma ...
For the salad: Beetroot is available all year round and adding it to your salads in the summer ...
This recipe for strawberries and ice cream with balsamic vinegar and mint combines contrasting flavours with a delicious ...
Penne are very popular. This is probably due to the fact that they are easy to eat and ...
Read this in English: Traditional English recipe: Cornish pasties
Cornish pasties – mimlijin bil-laħam u ħaxix
Dawn il-Cornish pasties bi tradizzjoni ...
Have you ever wondered if you are drinking your coffee correctly? Probably not… I mean why should you?
Thanks ...
An afternoon of making ice creams and yoghurts this week resulted in what is going to be a ...
This dish is called ‘Schnitzel’ in Germany and ‘Escalope’ in France; in Malta we normally call it ‘vitella ...