See this recipe in Maltese: Froġa tal-ġbejniet u asparagu
It is not necessary to make a fuss in the kitchen ...
Għandek aptit xi ħaġa tajba? Dawn il-gallettini b’erba’ ingredjenti biss tilħaq’ tippreparahom sakemm ikollok xi ikel ieħor qiegħed ...
Most people recognize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet millions often skip their morning ...
Għal ikla ħafifa l-froġa hija ideali. Din il-froġa hija ftit aktar speċjali b’mili ta’ ingredjenti Mediterranji.
Ħin: 25 minuta
Isservi: ...
Grab a bread roll, stuff with ham, cheese and egg, bake until the egg is just cooked and the ...
1 kg dqiq
125 g marġerina jew butir
125 g rkotta
Niskata (pinch) melħ
6 mgħaref ġewż bla qoxra
2 bajdiet imħabbtin
Ilma kiesaħ
Għarbel ...
See this recipe in English: Roasted cereal with apples and cranberries
Dan il-platt ta’ ċereali hu adattat ferm għall-kolazzjon ta’ filgħodu, ...
Aqra bil-Malti: Riċetta: Ħbejżiet bil-ħxejjex aromatiċi
These buns are faster to prepare than other bread since instead of using yeast ...
Ingredients (serves 6)
– 3 tubs of Jocca Cottage Cheese
– 10g of sugar
– 80g of semolina
– 1 ...
Minħabba li t-tuffieħ jerħi l-likwidu tiegħu, din ir-riċetta tuża anqas likwidi oħrajn biex tgħaqqad it-taħlita tal-iscones. Jekk tuża ...
It’s that time of year when hot cross buns are particularly relished. Here is one recipe that allows ...
A good breakfast reduces your desire to reach for sweets or snacks mid-morning and sets you up for ...