Serves: 4 persons
500 g dry pasta,
500 g fresh clams, you can use frozen,
Fresh garlic in season,or 4 cloves peeled ...
Torta tat-tonn taż-żejt għal din il-ġimgħa mqaddsa. L-għaġina hija magħmula biż-żejt taż-żebbuġa biss.
800 g dqiq
100 ml żejt taż-żebbuġa
kikkra ...
You never need to run out of mayonnaise ever again, because with this easy recipe you can now ...
Għall-ikla tal-Għid ħafna huma dawk li hija tradizzjoni għalihom li jsajru l-ħaruf. Din hija riċetta faċli ferm biex ...
Jekk għadek ma tafx x’se ssajjar dan Ħadd il-Għid, din hi r-riċetta għalik – platt komplut ta’ xikel ...
Easter is fast approaching and most people are excited about the candy they will get to eat. Chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies and best of ...
An up-and-coming chef in Malta to watch out for is Josef Baldacchino. He shared this great recipe for ...
Tzatziki is a Greek sauce served with grilled meats or as a dip and is always served cold. ...
Riċetta Taljana b’ingredjenti Taljani u faċli biex tippreparaha. Il-laħam tari tal-vitella m’għandux bżonn ħafna sajran u dawn l-involtini ...
“These turkey meatloaf muffins are inspired by Jamie Eason and one of the most popular recipes on my ...