This Mediterranean tuna wrap is superb because it’s delicious and because it is made in no time at ...
Typically known as Ħobż biż-żejt, which translates as “bread with oil” this traditional Maltese snack is much more ...
An empanada is a stuffed bread or pastry baked or fried, popular in many countries in Latin Europe ...
“This is a super simple ice cream recipe that doesn’t require an ice cream maker or even churning! Cream ...
Lampuki is also known as dolphin fish or dorado.
400 g flaky or puff pastry
800 g lampuki
1 medium sized ...
This is a delicious and easy to make cake made with cherries and almonds.
200 g butter
150 g glace ...
Ir-wraps daħlu sewwa bħala ikla ħafifa. Jagħmlu ikla versatili ferm fejn tista’ tuża l-immaġinazzjoni u toħloq wrap ġdida ...
Aqra bil-Malti: Riċetta: Qaqoċċ mimli bil-ġobon u ħxejjex aromatiċi
Stuffed artichokes are very versatile and if you use breadcrumbs as ...
Riċetta għal min iħobb ħafna l-ġobon – għaġin il-forn bi tliet kwalitajiet ta’ ġobon differenti.
Ħin: 40 minuta
Isservi: 4 ...
For the shortcrust pastry:
500 g sifted plain flour
150 ml olive oil
Half of 1 beaten egg
A pinch of salt
Cold ...